Our Focus
The Design Library AU website focuses on Australian interior design, architecture and home improvement stories and information. Our readers are busy, informed individuals looking for a high level of design inspiration and information about the products and services in which they are searching 24/7. Many of our readers find us via our images on our website or social media platforms, in particular, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter our readers are looking for highly visual content.
With an Australian focus, our industry specific directory is created from interior designers little black books, interior design magazines, within interiors blogs and news sites worldwide. We have an Australian focus specifically for the Australian market to find information mainly from within Australia but we do consider worldwide content.
For our submissions, we welcome interior design, architectural, art, homewares and home improvements products, services and projects. Preference will be given to Australian projects, companies, products.
We are not taking any guest posting at this time.
To Submit
To submit please email to info@designlibrary.com.au with the following –
- Details and description
- Specific website links we can use
- A link to a folder with high-quality photos (photos must be at least 800 pixels wide). Dropbox is great for this – a free account can be set up.
- All photos credits ( including photographer and stylist used)
- Your social media handles listed so we can share and tag you in our posts.
- Details of any products used within images if known.
- Please add an email subject line of “Submissions – Project / Product Title”
If more information is needed we will contact you.
N.B. Permission for use of all images must be obtained from all photographers before submitting – by submitting images to The Design Library AU you are indicating to us you have gained permission.
If your submission meets our requirements, we will notify you, publish and provide links back to all involved.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Liane Cooper