The Ultimate Guide To Stairs – Part 1, 2 & 3
The Ultimate Guide to Stairs is a 3 part series about Stair Design, Stairs Regulations and Stairs Materials.
Click through (on the image) to each part to get an overview to understanding what is needed to create a staircase.

Part 1 Stairs Design – With such a plethora of staircase styles to choose from, how do you select the best design for your own project? Look through our staircase styles to assist you in your decision and to provide inspiration.

Part 2 Stairs Regulations – A staircase is one of the fundamental design elements within every multi-storied home. So when faced with the challenge of designing your dream staircase, what are the stairs regulations you need to consider?

Part 3 Stairs Materials – Stairs are not only an essential circulation element they also are a dominant design feature. Compiled is a list of the pros and cons of the main stair materials of Wood, Glass, and Acrylic, Metal, and Concrete.

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